Thursday, January 19, 2012

First things first!

WELCOME!! Day one of my blog, effiejaneeveryday!!!!  I am SO excited to finally get this darn thing going.  I have been watching/reading so many others' blogs and I will admit it - always being a follower, I knew I would have to join the crowd!  I plan to write about having fun while I am raising 3 boys and working full time!  Yikes - that could be why I have put this off - finding the time! No more having excuses - I am on my way! 

I named my blog after my Great Grandmother-in-law, Effie Jane.  If she could survive through raising all those McMillan boys and stay ever so sweet, then she is one gal that I will always admire!  But with this blog, I am honoring my own Grandmother, Libby (short for Elizabeth) by including lots of her wisdom and love that she showered on my Mom and her great big family!   More on that over time!

I had one brother but he was definitely outnumbered by us 4 girls!  My Mom made us the center of her world and I cannot imagine my childhood any other way!  When I look back I realize I was one of those lucky girls - we did not have tons of money but I never knew - My Mom and Dad worked hard to make sure we had food, comfort, a good Christian education and LOTS of love.  What more can anyone ask for?

With my blog I plan to write about family, design, party palnning, holidays, do-it-yourself stuff and of course, everyday events!  So sit a spell and join the party!