Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Here we go again.............. we go again!  I promise to write more often, but for now here we go......... Last week my sisters and I decided to have a "Craft Night" just like the ones I have seen taking place all over blogland and it was SO much fun!  My sis, Vicki, is the middle child and very good at organizing anything and everything so she decided to have it at her house and proceeded to pick out a good "craft" for us to do.  She found a "jute wrapped monogram wreath on a blog she frequents:  Easy enough, right?  I did get to my sis' late, but it still is no excuse for my letter "M" to be sadly sitting on my coffee table at home, three fourths the way done!  I am like the Crafting Quenn in my family and EVERYONE got their letter done except me!  I think I am too picky and to much of a perfectionist ...............  I know you (my sisters) ALL agree!  Now if I can just get this thing done this evening, I will post the picture asap! In the meantime, see the cute one of Chelsea's.  (p.s. go to Chelsea's blog and you will find GREAT instructions for this easy "do".)